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Road Trip to Tazewell County

Teacher Ryan Lewis shows students how to operate some of the equipment in the robotic welding and mechatronics class.

Sparks flying, robotic welding, all kinds of impressive equipment – sometimes we get to film some pretty cool things here at JJN Multimedia. A few of us headed down to the Tazewell County Career and Technical Center to film their robotic welding and mechatronics class.
We met with the teacher, Ryan Lewis, and got to sit-in on a high school and an adult student class where we learned how mechatronics and robotic welding is used in the workforce today. (Students who earn the Mechatronics Certification can join the industrial workforce as a high-level manufacturing technician!) 

The students showed us how they program the equipment and the different technologies used – it was really impressive!
Near the end of the day, we sat down with a few high school and adult students to learn how they plan to use this knowledge in the future. A handful were traditional welders and wanted to expand their knowledge – while others were already in the workforce and were implementing the mechatronics techniques in their everyday life. 

Watching these students of all ages and backgrounds learn something new was really fascinating. And we loved to hear about their plans for the future and how this free class is going to set them up for an amazing career!

JJN Multimedia’s JD Belcher films a student using some of the automated welding equipment.